about us
"Empowering people and business to create a healthy, risk averse workplace"
Stay Safe Handling are registered Physiotherapists specialising in injury prevention and injury management in the workplace.
Since 2003 we have been providing injury prevention systems, injury management programmes and safe handling training with leading companies across a range of industries.
Research confirms that the most effective way to prevent injuries in the workplace is to increase staffs’ awareness of the potential risks they face and engage them in the process of preventing them.
We also understand that each organisation, their workforce and their business needs are unique to them and require a tailored solution.
Our approach is to come onsite to engage with your key stakeholders so as to understand your business operations and identify your handling risks.
We undertake formal meetings with managers and informal conversations with staff to capture insights on work routines and behaviours.
We also take photos or videos to allow for further assessment and for training purposes.
Based on this information we are able to develop a robust and relevant risk management programme that includes your workflow and processes as well as a tailored training package for your staff.
Throughout the process we encourage consultation at all levels to ensure staff and organisation ownership and sustainability of the programme.
Tailored cost effective solutions for injury prevention
Director Kate Browne is an occupational health physiotherapist, member of HASANZ- the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand and the co-founding member of the Moving and Handling Association of NZ (MHANZ).
She lead the Department of Health pilots for ACC’s NZ Patient Handling Guidelines and has participated in reviews of the ACC ‘s Guidelines for Moving and handling people in Home care.
She also has close links with manual handling associations in both Australia and the UK.
“We see every day how businesses benefit from having a fresh but qualified set of eyes that can identify and resolve previously unseen issues , resulting in gains in efficiency.“
Smart companies that use Stay Safe Handling

"Manual handling is a high use activity at James Hardie distribution where back strains and injury are a major concern for us. In order to be proactive, I have worked with Kate from StaySafe Handling to customize a safety program to raise safety awareness, safety participation and staff engagement. Kate customized a program for us and delivered it over 12 months and results have seen zero injuries in our work environment. Thank you StaySafe."

"Change is never easy however your training has seen the staff change their practice remarkably smoothly.
Our injury statistics reflect a significant improvement.
We have also been given a tremendous help in planning teaching sessions, equipment purchases and in trouble shooting difficult manual handling issues"

"The programme has given our employees the skills to assess the manual handling risks they face and develop safe handling techniques.
We have been able to implement this programme with minimal interruption to production.
It has been really well received by all staff.
It is early days yet but we are already starting to see some positive results in reducing manual handling injuries."