corporate and office

If you or your staff spend a large proportion of the day at your desk, you could be at risk of developing pain, muscle tension, joint stiffness, headaches and chronic inflammatory syndromes.
Many of us ignore the warning signs, those feelings of discomfort, in order to get the job done.
Ignoring those symptoms can lead us into a pathway of pain and injury.
It has long been recognized that a healthy employee is a benefit to an organisation because of less lost time from illness and a positive work attitude.
We can assist your new staff, existing staff and in particular those reporting any signs of discomfort to remain safe at work while feeling supported by their employer.
What can we offer you?
Ergonomic Workstation assessments
Our occupational health physiotherapists will provide you with ergonomic workstation assessments for your staff ensuring that their work space and set up matches their specific physical characteristics and work requirements.
We also assess posture, areas of discomfort and work habits so we can provide your staff with a customised preventative programme to keep them free from discomfort, pain or injury.
Our input is based on ACC’s “ Guidelines for using computers” which assists your company with its audit requirements.
Comprehensive Workstation assessments for staff reporting discomfort or injury
For staff reporting any signs of discomfort returning to work after an injury or illness, we offer a comprehensive workstation assessment of their work capacity.
This involves collating a physical assessment of the individual with the physical demands of their job in order to identify their capacity to carry out the task and whether modifications and further input are required.
The findings will be compiled in a detailed report with recommendations on how to optimise the work environment as well as maintenance strategies for the individual to alleviate their symptoms.
Office Manual Handling & Workstation Workshop
This workshop enables the participants to understand how overuse and manual handling injuries can occur in the workplace both with sustained sitting or standing,
as well as tasks involving moving and handling of supplies and storage of files.
We raise their awareness of how to assess and manage their risks
and provide them with simple techniques that de-stress their bodies and prevent discomfort and injury.