hotels and hospitality

The demanding nature of the hotel and hospitality industry results in a high percentage of manual handling injuries particularly back injuries.
Housekeeping staff in particular at a high risk of injury due to the repetitive nature of tasks such as bed making, vacuuming, cleaning, pushing laundry trolleys, and unloading washing machines.
Porters, waiters, and kitchen staff are also presented with daily handling challenges.
Many injuries result in significant periods of time off work with significant financial costs to the business as well as to the injured person.
What can we offer you?
StaySafe Handling bring to your business an injury prevention programme tailored to your specific handling requirements.
Our workplace physiotherapists can assess your high risk handling tasks and provide you with solutions that not only reduce the risk of injury to your staff but also increase the efficiency of the workflow.
We can assist your new staff, existing staff and in particular those reporting any signs of discomfort to remain safe at work while feeling supported by their employer.
In addition we provide interactive practical manual handling workshops for your staff that are specifically tailored to their handling requirements.
We facilitate your staff to understand the causes of injury, how to assess the risks in their tasks and how to use of safe handling principles that can be applied to all tasks in all situations.